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Child Marriage: A Challenge to be dealt with


Child Marriage: A Challenge to be dealt with

Historically, child marriage which is a complex issue was common around the world, but it was questioned in the 20th century since the age of marriage started to increase in many countries.
As statistics show, child marriage is still widespread in some parts of the world such as Africa and Middle East where this process is most common. Girls who marry at young age will face a lot of challenges during their lives.
First of all, they are more likely to be victims of domestic violence, especially intimate partner violence and sexual abuse. Moreover, complications of pregnancy and child birth can lead to death of young mothers aged between 15-19 years, while the infants are also more risk in their first months of life.
Other rights such as childhood pleasures, education, health, and aspirations of this group are also neglected. Early marriage robs the girls’ future; they don’t have the chance to continue their education, choose their partner, or even enjoy good health conditions.
The fact is that, girls are not a property. They have the right to determine their future and in this regard some strategies are needed to overcome the existing obstacles. The minimum age of girl marriage needs to be increased while equal rules and regulations are needed for both boys and girls. Those who are already married should not be forgotten and should be provided with education, employment, skills, health information and services.
If we don’t address child marriage properly, we will not be able to reduce maternal mortality and child deaths. Obviously an important step toward this goal will be addressing the root causes of child marriage such as poverty, gender inequality, and so on.
Source: un.org

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